Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Its a....

on March 14th, early in the morning Brock Michael and I headed to the doctor (leaving Will with Aria and her mom). I was excited to find out what we were having. I felt like every single person was saying it had to be a girl. I was sicker then I ever had been, so it was so different that it must be a girl. But I couldn't stop feeling like it was a boy. I would start looking up names and wonder to the boy ones, or find myself saying He.  I was really ready to find out. Sometimes it just gets old referring as it as "it".
It was nice it was so early, and Michael got to come. I didn't think he would be able to.
Brock was fascinated the whole time guessing what part of the body it was on the ultrasound. The baby didn't want to show his face at all, hiding behind his hands.
He was the first to do that! Of course the "money gender shot was wide open!!"
And we found out it was a BOY!!!
I can't believe I am lucky enough to have another boy, but my reaction was like shocked but also like yeah... I know.
The only thing I have to complain about having a boy is a name, we've named 2 boys and the last one was HARD. This one seems impossible.

About the pregnancy.
I have been so sick, not just nausea and tired but I've had 4 colds and 3 flus in 18 weeks. Its impossible for my body to fight off anything. In one week I had a cold, then just feeling down right miserable I went to the hospital to get tested for a UTI. but come the next days I came down with a horrible flu. So bad I begged my family to come help me. I couldn't thew up with Will climbing on me. Luckily my dad was more then willing to help. It was non stop I felt like.

I've craved pancakes mostly but also fruit and sour things,mostly lemonade. all other things have come and gone but these have been consistent. I got fancy syrup and pancake mix too. UGH I want pancakes.

I think that this pregnancy I have shown faster but kept weight off. Which hopefully will stay.

I am not sure I'll ever have everything ready for this baby and he will have to go with the flow of not having a crib set up until hes too big for the cradle.

My anxiety had been so high, but not nervous about the baby at all. I've been so claustrophobic and I've almost had panic attacks with people touching me. Or the boys climbing on me. I haven't had too many emotion fluctuation as long as no one touches me. I've actually always been a little like that but its way way worse right now.

Defiantly the hardest pregnancy but will be so so worth it.

 19 weeks 4 days

 Making cupcakes to tell our families. There's one cupcake for each family that is dyed BLUE to tell them what we were having... but they had to find it.

 In all the excitement and stuff... I forgot to take a picture of just the blue cupcake so I tried to recreate it to send a picture to family far away... only with blue yogurt.... whoops.
 Carissa was the first to find out when she came to get Aria Brock ran up and told her.... so I did a little photo shoot of them "finding out"....


The rest of February
Building bathroom storage 

 our senses day

 Oh the messes...

 Ping pong anywhere
 found this cutie working on his skills under the bed

 Took this boy to the doctor with me for the first time this month, he got to hear the baby. He told me that it sounded squishy. He made sure the doctor got all the blue stuff off of me (sonogram gel). When we got home he bounded into the door and yelled:" Dad!! I heard the baby!!"
 we had a few warmer muddy days, they were happy to go outside
 This month we also got a fish, a blue betta. The boys love it. And named him Blue
 Brock and Will are so different, even down to what hand they use to color. : Left for Brock, Right for Will
 We took off one day just  the boys and I and went to Hardware Ranch. I was too busy to take too many pictures but they had a lot of fun.

this month started our Angry Bird obsession. We have had a "just dance" obsession on You tube. Its a good activity for cold days. But there is an Angry Bird Just Dance song. So I showed them the felt angry birds I made ages ago and showed them the game. It became an easy obsession. Especially with the toons on Netflix.

A funny thing Will started doing was using his hands to make expressions. he giggles in his hands. when hes mad he puts his hands in "stop" right in front of him or down by his side. There's a lot of hands! He loves to wave to random people constantly.

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