Monday, August 1, 2016

Welcome to the world Parker!

Parker McLean Cole came to our family July 28th 2016, It was a crazy labor and definitely needs to be documented. Even though I like always having a document of my kids birth.
First anyone know what his name is from?!? Any Memphis friends should know. He is named after streets in Memphis. We lived on N. Parkway (Parker) and the street connecting us to the Michael's school (the zoo, and our favorite BBQ shop restaurant) is McLean.
It took us a while to decided on Parker but McLean was decided when we found out he was a boy. I am not going to lie I wanted it as his first name. I thought I would decided to see what hes like first. He's a Parker!

Labor story:
July 14th I went to the doctor. He measured me and told me I was 2 cm dilated at 80 percent effaced. I felt awful. I had lost 2 lbs had insane heartburn like all the time. And felt nausea like all the time. I had also had higher blood pressure then normal. 
He said you know you probably won't make it to your next appointment so get ready. Apparently, when someone tells me that I freak out and stop doing anything. Michaels brother Adam Christie and kids were around for a few days and helped clean and get ready. Tuesday before they came over I started contracting. Nearly every 15 minutes. Then 12. So o called Michael home.  
I was surprised! I didn't think I'd really be that early but as soon as Everyone was here. I stopped. It was sad. I felt exhausted. I felt bad I called Michael home from work. 
But after a restful night after I realized he was very stationed. And was off my lungs and I didn't have heartburn. I felt way way better. So when my doctors appointment came Friday 21st I was dilated to a 3 and slightly more effaced I wasn't surprised! I told him I felt better! And he swept my membranes to get me going. Saturday I lost my mucus plug, with some bloody show. I had one or 2 random contractions on Sunday. But nothing big. But I cramped all night and felt horrible Monday. I felt like I had to go into labor I felt so sick. Michaels dad came and watched the boys so Michael and I could go on a date. It was so nice and after that and a restful night I woke up tuesdsy feeling pretty good even with some uncomfortable moments the night before, but not nearly as bad! 
Afternoon came and I had contractions randomly for hours. 
But nothing came of it. 
Then Wednesday and it was a normal day, trip to the library lunch with dad... Nap. New movies! At the end of the day I felt yucky. I had a bad back ache and some sinus stuff. I cleaned up down stairs and then I laid in bed. We went to bed at 10:30. And of course being un comfortable cramping a bit and Will being awake. We slept not great and Michael ended up down stairs. And about 3:30 came and I woke up to an contraction. Then shortly after another. And it hurt. So I went to wake up Michael. I told him I thought it was baby day and that I was going to jump in the shower and we could test how apart the contraction are. He decided he better just get ready. So as he's talking to me helping me gather things up we are timing contraction. Every 4 minutes. And getting more painful. I realized if it was so close I may not make it to get an epidural. We couldn't wait for my mom to drive through the canyon. We couldn't even wait for Keith and Carissa thinking they'd have to wake up Aria. So we called Amy. She got there right when I was ready to go. I had a contraction when she was there and hid behind the kitchen door so she couldn't see. We jumped in the car and realized they were about 3 minutes apart. I was telling Michael just run the light it's 4 in the morning! But don't really... He didn't but we got to the hospital fast. I joked with him through the contractions that he couldn't play Pokemon go. And we both guessed what time he would be born. 
We got to the hospital Only I couldn't remember where delivery was. And we walked down the hall instead of going up elevator. After a few minutes 2 contractions that hurt so bad I fell down to the ground. Michael looked it up on his phone and we got headed in the right direction. Michael ran and told the nurses "my wife is about to have a baby!!" (Actually I'm sure he was no nonsense informing them.. I wasn't really listening) I was on all 4s having another contraction in the empty waiting room. They burst into action. Michael came and got me and we hurried to a room and got undressed. They just ran around me getting me in the system. They said do you want an epidural I said yes please. They paged him. Then they checked me. I was almost a 7 and really soft. I continued to have contractions and they hurt bad. They rushed around getting ready and signing papers. Paging the doctor. I was more then freaking out. The anesthesiologist came in and told me he didn't think it was going to work but maybe they can do something else. I was in a lot of pain and didn't know what to do. The nurse asked if I wanted her to check me. I said yes, and she did I was a 10. She said all they needed to do was break my water and he'd come right out. I had another contraction. Said goodbye to the epidural. Said lets just get this over with. (Well almost screamed all of it) The doctor came in shortly after. But not before screaming and yelling from me(not at her just that I wanted her to be there) And asking where she was. I remember one time I told Michael I wanted to swear. I'm not sure what he said but it's funny now. 
The on call Doctor came in introduce herself to Michael I was a little freaking out...  (Also my doctor was out of town) broke my water. I had mecomium  so the worry of him being taken stopped me from realizing the contraction, also relief from the water breaking. And when I felt the contraction coming and pushed, but not well. The doctors and nurses and Michael all were "coaching" me that one push he would be out. I asked if I could sit up more they moved my bed a little but the contraction came and I hulk screamed a lot of things as I tried then not tried then tried... Michael had to hold my leg back cause I was tensing up and he didn't want me to smash him coming out. His head came out and Michael said I opened my eyes and seemed surprised. Which I was! It was so different to feel everything. One more push for shoulders and he was out. I understand now why they call it an outer body experience I was aware of everything but completely focused on the pain going through my body. At 5:02 he was born! Michael and I chuckled cause it was only barely 5. He asked her what time we got here she said about 20 minutes ago! Parker had meliconan but he came out crying and while we waited for me to deliver the placenta they bulbed and suctioned him! He also had a true knot, he had tied himself/his chord in a knot and we were told that if there hadn't of been a good amount of jelly it could of been bad. They let me see him right away and he rested his head on me! But grabbed him soon after to suction him. It was kind of crazy mess 
My placenta wasn't wanting to descend so I sat there watching my baby cry and get suctioned out. 
They weighed him 7lbs 7 oz 20 inches long. 
The doctor told me no stitches a tiny tear that should heal on its own! 
They finally felt good about Parker they got it out Good and let me hold him for awhile. But as he's laying there on me the chord to the placenta broke and the placenta was stuck inside of me. The only thing they could do was dig it out. (I have no pain meds) it was the worst. Way way worse then child birth at least I had some help with contractions/adrenaline. They left Parker on me too so I was mad. I didn't want him to get hurt. But it was definitely to keep me from really freaking out. Once it was finally out. I was able to see my sweet boy and nurse him. He was so tiny. Tiny compared to the boys as well as tiny just cause he was so new! I held him for awhile but I started getting chills and waves of heavy emotions. The nurse came in and she knew something was wrong. So she lifts up my robe and started pressing my tummy, (which hurt so bad) I just gushed with blood a few times. She came in every few minutes to massage my tummy cause my body wasn't passing clots well. It hurt so bad every time. I cried a little a few times.  
One great thing was that I could walk! I felt pretty good. I walked to the bathroom before we got out of recovery. Then walked to my wheelchair. To go to our room. 
But not before realizing Michael never got a hospital wrist badge. In all the fuss it got lost. So we had to reprint off of our arm bands and make note of it on all the paperwork. Cause we were lucky and had a baby at shift change. 
When we got to our room they did a few assessments. They wanted to make sure the clots came out cause I'd need meds to break them up. But I felt way way better though they still did more belly rubs she was felt good about it. 
Also that Parker was doing good after bulb and suction earlier. He had a great milk mouth already! 
After that Michael and I just like sat dumb founded for a little while. Then Michael ran and got breakfast and my hospital bag. And I "rested"and saw my baby! The nurses said ok when do you want to go home and I said tomorrow, they said ok, we will get you out of here before lunch. 
We faced timed the boys and they loved seeing the baby! Just in aw! We had a few visitors Michaels mom and sister. Then ate lunch and Michael went to get the boys. I was so excited I got out their gifts. And the camera. Michael got some good pictures. The boys were super excited and both brought the baby gifts they picked out for him. 
They came through the door with the biggest smile on their face. So excited to see the new baby. And the hospital was really cool too! We got pictures of gifts and playing. A puzzle and a race car track for them. And baby clothes and a few toys for the baby. 
They (though mostly Brock) wanted to see all the features they pointed out his hands and feet and nose. Poor Parker got stabbed in the eye because Brock wanted to see his cute little eyes. 
Will liked pushing all the buttons he could. Like my hospital bed. 
Questions about everything! 
Brock got mad at grandma for holding him too long. He said he needs to go back to mom. After I did get him he said unwrap him so I can see his whole cute little body! 
He had questions about his chord and wanted to get his hat back on and put socks on! 
After a little while Michael took the boys home. My mom stayed for s little bit 
They did the newborn bath Got him all clean! 
After nursing and skin to skin, my dad stopped by too. They didn't stay long and I got dinner and finished all the hospital discharge stuff. 
The night nurse came in and started talking to me. And then said "oh where you the one that had her baby at like 5 this morning? 
I was like umm yeah?
I heard it was super fast and crazy. 
I chuckled and said yeah... 
It was kind of a rough night cause I wanted to leave in the morning so they woke us up constantly. I swear everyone I got him to sleep they would come in and wake us up. They only took him to the nursery one time otherwise he was always with me. But they had to run his newborn tests. He was great with everything. Low risk for bilirubin, so we needed to keep an eye on that. Otherwise a perfect baby. 
We got home at about 10:30 that morning after the doctors checked us out. It was nice to be home! The boys love their little baby!
Sitting back and thinking about it, I am super embarrassed. But really happy everything turned out OK. He is such an amazing baby and is certainly a happy and peaceful and makes our family so. It amazes me how even a rambunctious almost 3 year old understands how special he is and loves him. And of course his older brother thinks so too.   My prayers were answered that Michael was home and I am so glad he was. I don't think I would of made it to the hospital if I would of waited for him to get home from work. It was a huge blessing. Even though it was a little crazy everything worked out! And he is so so worth it anyways. 

Coming home!
So I have to add this picture to the end, there is a meme that says That moment when you realize your the middle child. (I think he nailed it) 

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